
The High Security Laboratory allows researchers and research teams to collect and/or host sensitive data, perform experimentations at a large scale… without ever compromising the confidentiality of the manipulated data.

Historically, the activities mainly focused on two topics: network security and virology.

All experiments carried out on the platform are strictly supervised, and are subject to prior safety approval by an ethics committee.

Network security

  • Detect and study attacks, improve the security of networks and services
  • Large scale experimentations
    • Internet-wide scans
  • Attacks data collection and analysis (network telescope)
    • Darknet, honeypots
  • Vulnerabilities assessment (discovery, protection)
    • Many different applications (VoIP, IoT, SCADA)


A global approach to fight malware

  • Reverse engineering, white and black box analysis
  • Detection of malicious behaviors, and similarity identification
  • Offensive defense
  • Forensic

Three levels of architectures are considered bytecode level (IOS/Android), OS level (Win, Linux, Mac OS) and at the level of the interface with hardware (IOT, embedded systems)

A study on the malware ecosystems is also conducted comprising cybercriminal organizations and communications.