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Blacklist IP URL

Blacklists Aggregator

Blacklists and blocklists are widely used in firewalls, proxies and other security components to filter traffic towards or from malicious entities. This includes IPs, domains, and URLs.

Other sources use probes to gather attack and malicious behaviors from sources to compute trust scores for IPs or domain, also named reputation scores, that are used in the same way.

Int he LHS, the Blacklise Aggregator (commonly named BLA) crawls the web looking for public blacklists, aggregates them in one location and enriches them, while keeping the historical changes and evolution fo each entity's scores and status.


Dataset name Blacklists Aggregator
Authors LHS Nancy
Format JSON
Licence OpenData coming soon, ask us
Experimentation Platform scan
Production Location LHS Nancy
Update Frequency Daily
URL Coming soon

